Landlord Tenant Law
We understand that the landlord tenant relationship encompasses much more than just the signing of a lease. While the lease is the legal contract forming the foundation of the relationship, other factors affect the relationship between the landlord and tenant. We know so many factors can affect your business and many you have no control over. We are here to help when the way forward isn’t clear or is blurred by emotion. Let us help you with all of your landlord tenant needs including drafting leases and addenda, contract review, evictions, deposit retention disputes, towing issues, property conditions, injuries on property, criminal activity on property, and potential liability issues. In addition, we can help with legal concerns prior to the purchase or sale of your asset, during transitions, and issues that may arise after the sale.
Our firm is able to assist landlords in all aspects of navigating the relationship between landlord and tenant with the goal of protecting your interest long term. Our goal is to help you avoid costly litigation but should you find yourself in court we will be by your side.